About the Games

The aim of the game is to visit peaks and points of interest and return to a base camp in as little time as possible and ahead of the other players. To do this, players run their own expedition by selecting equipment, choosing their route and deciding where to camp.

Players gain points by visiting peaks and points of interest. The winner is the person to collect the highest number of points and/or achieving their mission before other players.

Players can choose different ways to play:

Quick Expedition – This is the easiest and fastest way of playing, with no equipment choice and where speed of movement is determined by dice.

Mission Expedition – Players are given a set of peaks and points of interest to visit, the winner being the one to complete their mission and return to a basecamp ahead of the other players.

Flags Expedition – Players visit as many peaks and/or points of interest as they can, choosing their own destinations and interacting with other players to collect more points than their competitors.